Bursitis Shoulder



Bursitis shoulder is a common condition caused by overuse of the shoulder joint. It involves inflammation of the bursa, a small cushion-like structure that provides support to tendons, nerves, and ligaments within the joint. When the muscles surrounding the shoulder become tight, they exert pressure on the tendons, resulting in strain on the bursa and subsequent inflammation. In this article, we will explore what bursitis shoulder is, discuss effective methods for managing and treating it, and highlight the benefits of remedial massage in alleviating the symptoms of this condition.

What is Bursitis Shoulder?

Bursitis shoulder refers to the inflammation of the bursa in the shoulder joint. The bursa acts as a protective cushion, reducing friction and allowing smooth movement of tendons, nerves, and ligaments. When the shoulder muscles become tight and exert excessive force on the tendons, the bursa becomes strained and inflamed, leading to the development of bursitis shoulder. This condition can cause discomfort, pain, and limited range of motion in the affected shoulder.

How Remedial Massage Helps with Bursitis Shoulder:

Fortunately, there are several effective approaches to manage and treat bursitis shoulder. One of the key methods is deep tissue massage, which is commonly used in remedial massage therapy. Deep tissue massage targets the underlying muscles and connective tissues, releasing tension and reducing muscle tightness around the shoulder joint. By loosening these muscles, the strain on the tendons and bursa is alleviated, leading to a decrease in inflammation and pain.

In addition to deep tissue massage, other techniques such as trigger point therapy and myofascial release may also be employed by remedial massage therapists to address the specific needs of individuals with bursitis shoulder. These targeted techniques aim to relieve muscle knots, improve blood circulation, and promote the healing process, resulting in reduced pain and improved mobility.

Bursitis Shoulder for Office Workers:

Office workers, who often spend long hours sitting at desks and working on computers, are particularly susceptible to developing bursitis shoulder. The repetitive movements associated with desk work, combined with poor posture and prolonged sitting, can contribute to muscle imbalances and increased strain on the shoulder joint. It is crucial for office workers to be aware of preventive measures and seek appropriate treatment if symptoms of bursitis shoulder arise.

Tips for Managing Bursitis Shoulder:

  • Icing the shoulder: Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation. Use an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth and apply it to the shoulder for about 15 minutes at a time, several times a day.

  • Deep tissue massage: Consider seeking the expertise of a remedial massage therapist who can provide targeted deep tissue massage to relieve muscle tension and promote healing.

  • Regular stretching: Engage in gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility and restore proper muscle length. Your massage therapist can guide you on stretches that are specific to your condition.

  • Posture awareness: Maintain good posture throughout the day, especially when sitting for extended periods. Use ergonomic equipment and take frequent breaks to stretch and move around.


Bursitis shoulder is a condition characterized by inflammation of the bursa in the shoulder joint. It can cause pain and limited range of motion, particularly in office workers who often engage in repetitive tasks. Seeking appropriate treatment, such as remedial massage therapy, can greatly assist in managing bursitis shoulder symptoms. Deep tissue massage, along with other targeted techniques, can help reduce muscle tension, alleviate strain on the bursa, and expedite the healing process. By taking proactive steps, such as regular massage sessions, stretching exercises, and maintaining good posture, individuals can effectively manage bursitis shoulder and prevent its recurrence.

If you have any further questions about bursitis shoulder or would like to book an appointment, please contact us at 0422906304. Our experienced therapists are here to help you on your path to recovery and pain-free living.


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